Augustana Students Perform Sacred Cantatas
Through Bach Collegium
September 12, 2024 | Augustana University News
Keeley Meier "For the second year, Augustana University students will have the opportunity to perform the works of Johann Sebastian Bach through the School of Music’s Bach Collegium, led by Dr. David Chin, visiting assistant professor of music. The collegium’s first-semester performances will take place on campus in September and November." [Read the full article] |
Very modern and self-confident Bach from Malaysia
Thursday, June 13, 2024 | Leipziger Volkszeitung
"... The lively, very modern, very self-confident Bach that the Malaysians are bringing to the west gallery of St. Thomas Church need not fear international comparison. This is already clear from the first notes of the motet "Komm, Jesu, komm". Delicate, immaculately intoned, clearly articulated, smoothly phrased and as intelligent as it is boldly dynamic. Chin integrates the space into his design and places the first of the two choirs on the parapet as a soloist. This compensates for the difference to the second choir, which has multiple members, but does not take away the individuality of the colors. The result is a rounded, yet transparently differentiated, magnificently bright and very eloquent sound. They are all about death - but Chin lets the light shine out from the delicately dancing strings and the wonderful oboes d'amore. This is how music is made with content - which sensitively plays around and entwines, illuminates and interprets the choir, which is also fabulous in the cantatas. ... A completely unexotic, first-class concert – and a strong argument for re-inviting David Chin and his Bach ensembles from Malaysia." [Read the full article in German] |
What connects David Chin from Malaysia
with the great composer
Wednesday, June 12, 2024 | Leipzig People's Newspaper
David Chin is the director of the Bach Festival in Malaysia. The Bach ambassador from East Asia has travelled to the Leipzig Bach Festival with a choir and orchestra for a concert in St. Thomas Church. He will also be sitting in the audience at around 20 other concerts. [Read the entire article] |
2024年8月14日 | The Interview 訪問
專訪:梁馨元 我们常感叹大马艺术环境不友善,但陈子虔博士说:“当你要去贡献与付出的时候,第一步就是要接受那个地方原来的模样。” 陈子虔让我们看见,行动比起控诉,往往能跨多一步。 陈子虔于2022年获莱比锡巴赫档案馆授予“资深院士”,也在2023年开始于美国奥古斯塔纳音乐学院担任长期访问教授;暑假期间,他回到这片国土,推动巴赫音乐节的演出与系列活动——站在本地音乐生态的空白面前,他一直想做得更多。 在国外早已荣耀加身,为何他还想回来? [閱讀全文] |
Germany & Malaysia Grand Concert Tour
May 24, 2024 | BFM Radio Station | Juliet Jacobs
In June, Malaysia's Bach Festival Singers and Orchestra are set to be the first ensemble from Southeast Asia to be invited to perform in the most prestigious and important Bach landmarks in Germany: St. Thomas Church in Leipzig, Bach Church in Arnstadt, as well as St. George's Church in Eisenach. The grand concert tour commences with two fundraising concerts right here in Kuala Lumpur. We catch up with Dr David Chin, the Founder and Artistic Director of Bachfest Malaysia, who is also the Director of the Bach Collegium and Music Professor at Augustana University in Sioux (SOO) Falls, South Dakota, and a Senior Fellow of the Bach Archive in Leipzig, Germany, to find out more about the programme in these fundraising concerts. [Listen to the podcast] |
The School of Music gains a new professor
October 26, 2023 | The Augustana Mirror Madisyn Stogsdill
A conductor, artistic director and documentary host added “Augustana music professor” to his list of titles this fall. After applying to several jobs during the pandemic, David Chin wasn’t sure where his study of renowned composer and musician Johann Sebastian Bach would take him... [Read the article] |
St. John Passion (1725)
August 25, 2023 | BFM 89.9 | Juliet Jacobs
The latest edition of Johann Sebastian Bach’s lesser-heard 1725 “St. John Passion” (ed. by Prof. Dr. Manuel Bärwald, 2021) will be performed for the first time in Malaysia by the Malaysia Bach Festival Singers and Orchestra, led by conductor Prof. Dr. David Chin. This special version includes some of the most unique and dramatic arias which Bach has ever composed. [Listen to the podcast] |
Oh Boy!
May 15, 2023 | Van Magazin | Christina Rietz
In Malaysia gibt es nur einige wenige Sinfonieorchester, Vollzeitdirigenten sind die absolute Ausnahme. Einer von ihnen ist David Chin, Gründer und künstlerischer Leiter des Bachfest Malaysia, der auch beim Pendant in Leipzig auftritt. Über einen schwierigen Start in der Bachstadt und Kantaten und Passionen im multireligiösen Malaysia. [mehr] |
Hello, Mr. Bach
May 12, 2023 | BFM 89.9 | Juliet Jacobs
As the saying goes, get them when they're young, and Bachfest Malaysia - an organisation dedicated towards promoting the music of J. S. Bach in Malaysia and beyond through performance and education - are planning just that. The group are holding their first-ever family concert called Hello, Mr. Bach! which has been specially designed for children, where they will meet and interact with “Mr. Bach” through storytelling and live music performances. David who is the Founder, Conductor and Artistic Director of Bachfest Malaysia will be playing the titular role, and he joins us to share more. [Listen to the podcast] |
All Things New
March 17, 2023 | BFM 89.9 | Juliet Jacobs
This year marks Johann Sebastian Bach’s 338th birthday - he was born on the 31st of March, 1685. To celebrate, Malaysia's renowned artists soprano Ang Mei Foong and pianist Ng Chong Lim will join the Malaysia Bach Festival Orchestra led by international conductor Dr. David Chin in a concert called All Things New, performing two solo cantatas and keyboard concertos. All three join us to discuss Bach's lasting legacy and also what's in store at the upcoming concert.
[Listen to the interview] |
SEA Music Academy Online To Offer Course
by Malaysian Conductor Dr. David Chin
March 13, 2023 | Music Press Asia
Starting this 20 April 2023, Dr David Chin will be conducting six 75-minute sessions to explore choral-orchestral masterpieces covering an extensive range from the Baroque era to the 20th century in the Western classical music canon: Messiah, Mass in B Minor, The Creation, Missa Solemnis, A German Requiem, and War Requeim. [read more] |
2023年3月13日 | 星洲日報 | 梁馨元報導
即兴演奏仿佛一种教条的解放,十指飞舞琴键间自由表达;而对古典乐的刻板印象,则是离不开规矩的演绎。因而怎么能想到,远在巴洛克时期便有即兴演奏的存在 ... |
Out of the Depths: Bach Cantata Concert Tour
BFM 89.9 Front Row on the Bigger Picture
July 29, 2022, Producer: Juliet Jacobs Out of the Depths is the first post-lockdown concert by Bachfest Malaysia, featuring two moving Bach cantatas, performed by the award-winning Malaysia Bach Festival Singers and Orchestra. Aside from the concert, world-renowned Bach scholar Prof. Dr. Michael Maul will be providing pre-concert lectures, and the concert tour is also the official book launch for Michael’s Chinese/English version of the Bach Pictorial Biography. We find out more about this from Dr. David Chin and Prof. Dr. Michael Maul. Both gentlemen share their love and appreciation of the music of seventeenth century German composer, Johann Sebastian Bach and why we should too. [Listen to the podcast] |
《星洲日报》2022年5月11日 | 报道:梁慧颖
喜欢西方古典音乐的人,一定不会不认识巴赫(或译巴哈, 1685-1750年),可是专门研究巴赫音乐,还为巴赫制作纪录片和翻译传记的人,在马来西亚应该就只有陳子虔一人。 陈子虔有丰富的指挥经验,也曾经在美国和本地大学的音乐系任教。对于本地音乐教育还有西方古典音乐,这些年他都有深刻的观察和体会,他觉得要改变很不容易,只能带着冒险精神,尽力去做自己可以做的事,但不敢奢求真能改变什么。 [阅读全文] |
音樂不設限:追踪巴赫 |
Malaysian Liberty alum uses music
to connect cultures and creeds
Liberty Champion | February 21, 2022
Story by Ava Bear At the age of 9, conductor and classical musician David Chin began his music education, unaware that it would one day serve as the foundation for an impactful international career in music education, conducting, translating and performance. [Read the entire article] |
David Chin's take on the pandemic
CiTiZEN Magazine | October 2021
Tiggy Munnelly David made so many plans prior to the pandemic, such as preparing for a grand concert tour with the Malaysia Bach Festival Singers and Orchestra to three different cities in Central Germany and throughout Malaysia, organizing the first ever international Bach festival in South East Asia, and many other conducting engagements. Of course, the pause button had to be pressed on all these projects... (click on the image to read more) |
The Whole Review: Star Pick
Asian & Pacific Island Heritage Month Interview
WXXI Classical 91.5 | May 2021
Brenda Tremblay When David Chin graduated with Doctor of Musical Arts and Master of Music degrees from the Eastman School of Music, he embarked on a fascinating journey which has so far carried him from small town America to the sophisticated urban centers of Malaysia. Everywhere he goes, he carries with him a fierce passion for the music of J.S. Bach. [Read more] |
This documentary lets you visit Bach landmarks,
discover his stories and music
The Star Newspaper | January 24, 2021 Rouwen Lin An online documentary on German composer Johann Sebastian Bach, available on the Bachfest Malaysia Youtube channel, has been making its rounds among classical music fans starved of live concerts during these pandemic times. [Read more] |
《星洲日報》 2021年3月28日
報導:郭慧筠 攝影:黃冰冰、林添賜 基於對音樂的熱愛,馬來西亞巴赫節創辦人兼藝術總監陳子虔博士於兩年前,專程飛往德國拍攝了《追踪巴赫》紀錄片。究竟巴赫的音樂有何魅力?不妨來聆聽陳子虔的分享。 [閱讀全文] |
Pull Up a Chair: Meet David Chin
August 5, 2020 on YouTube A special interview hosted by Conductor Ruben Valenzuela, Artistic Director of Bach Collegium San Diego. |
Bachfest Malaysia's response to the pandemic lockdown
March 23, 2020 | The Star Newspaper Terence Toh After the movement control order (MCO) was announced last week, Bachfest Malaysia founder David Chin was worried about rehearsals with his fellow musicians. They had concerts coming up as well as a tour in Germany. How were they going to rehearse and make music together while staying home?... [Read the featured article here] |
Weltumspannender Bach-Choral erobert das Netz
March 19, 2020 | Thüringer Allgemeine „Ganz toll – ich hab Gänsehaut“, „Beautiful!“ oder einfach „Danke“. Das sind einige Reaktionen auf ein Video, das gerade in den sozialen Netzwerken geteilt wird. Es zeigt Musiker aus mehreren Ländern, die in ihrem Zuhause oder wie Jörg Reddin in der Bachkirche gemeinsam musizieren. Jeder für sich auf unterschiedlichen Instrumenten, organisiert und dirigiert vom Leiter des Bachfestes Malaysia, David Chin. [mehr] |
沉痛緬懷 MH370六週年
A moving Candlelight Choral Evensong organized by Good Shepherd Lutheran Church and Bachfest Malaysia to commemorate the victims of MH370 and their families, the missing individuals in Malaysia such as Pastor Raymond Kwok, as well as the current situation of Coronavirus around the world, officiated by Rev. Calvin Lim and Rev. Thomas Low, presented by the Mendelssohnchor Malaysia, Malaysia Bach Festival Singers, and three soloists. [watch video by the press] |
"Presentation of Bachfests" in Berlin
Artistic Director David Chin appeared on the "Presentation of Bachfests" held in Berlin, Germany and spoke about the participation of the Malaysia Bach Festival Singers and Orchestra in Bachfest Leipzig 2020. David joins in at around 29:00 in the video. Watch and learn about the Bach activities in Germany and around the world! [full video] |
Modern Malaysian Maestro Striking The Right Note!
October 15, 2019 | CiTi-ZEN Magazine Tiggy Munnelly The image of a maestro is that of someone who is autocratic, serious – and old! Award-winning David Chin is the epitome of the 21st century maestro – dynamic, articulate, exuberant and, above all, young! He is very passionate about the music of seventeenth century German composer, Johann Sebastian Bach – so much so that David started Bachfest Malaysia in 2015 to promote the music of Bach in Malaysia and beyond. To understand this passion, we need to start at the beginning. Read the entire story. |
陈子虔创立的马来西亚巴赫节合唱与管弦乐团更备受外界青睐,受邀于2020年到德国莱比锡巴赫节上呈现数部巴赫的清唱剧。全世界共有逾40个巴赫团体,大马巴赫节合唱及管弦乐团是其中受邀在圣多马教堂内演出巴赫作品的团体之一,该乐团将派遣40位优秀的音乐家到莱锡比演出。现年34岁的陈子虔说,他期望有一天去茶餐室的时候,那里的安娣都有听过巴赫,“她不需要认识巴赫,她只要有听过巴赫,也知道巴赫是一名作曲家。能做到这样,我已经觉得很好了。” [閱讀全文] |
说起大马之光,大家普遍想到的,可能就是羽毛球、壁球或者是......榴莲。不说你不知道,我国合唱和管弦乐团同样在国际舞台大放异彩! “马来西亚巴赫节”在国际间闯出名堂,受邀于2020年代表亚洲到德国演出。 国际著名指挥家陈子虔于2015年创立“马来西亚巴赫节”,旨在把古典音乐和巴赫音乐普及化,深入民心。 “古典音乐之所以叫古典不是因为它很老,古典音乐称为古典音乐是因为它能够经历这个岁月的挑战,经过岁月的考验,能够流传到今天。” 他强调,古典音乐绝不是有钱人的玩意,民众普遍对古典音乐存有刻板印象,只因从未正式接触。 [觀看訪問] |
CiTY Plus Podcast 【艺术好好玩】
巴赫被认为是音乐史上最杰出,最重要的作曲家之一。他是巴洛克时期的作曲家及管风琴,小提琴,大键琴演奏家,与意大利作曲家韦瓦第,德国的韩德尔并称巴洛克三巨匠,在音乐史上和莫札特,贝多芬齐名。 为纪念巴赫330诞辰周年,马来西亚巴赫节(Bachfest Malaysia / Malaysia Bach Festival)于2015年由陈子虔博士创立。马来西亚巴赫节,这一次会有什么精彩的环节呢? [收聽訪問] |
Bachfest Malaysia on AiFM
馬來西亞巴赫節藝術總監陳子虔受主播葉恩慈的邀請,到AiFM 「藝度空間」暢談馬來西亞巴赫節、巴赫與他的音樂、《聖馬太受難曲》音樂會以及明年到德國萊比錫演出的邀請。 Artistic Director David Chin was invited to AiFM to speak about Bachfest Malaysia 2019, Bach and his music, the St. Matthew Passion, as well as the invitation to perform at Bachfest Leipzig 2020. Listen to PART 1 Listen to PART 2 |
藝術總監陳子虔在《聖馬太受難曲》音樂會前與『八度空間』“活力加油站”的主持人和觀眾介紹『馬來西亞巴赫節』今年的音樂會以及明年到德國萊比錫演出的邀請。 Artistic Director David Chin was invited to "Living Delight" on 8TV to speak about Bachfest Malaysia 2019 as well as the invitation to perform at Bachfest Leipzig 2020. [watch video] |
Bachfest Malaysia in Johor 大馬巴赫節麻坡站
David Chin, Artistic Director of Bachfest Malaysia, as well as other musicians are featured in this video by Muar Tourism. This video also features "St. Matthew Passion" final rehearsal footage at the newly-built concert hall in Muar. [watch video] |
2019年6月13日 | 星洲日報
配合巴赫(J.S Bach)国际音乐节,马来西亚巴赫节合唱与管弦乐团(BachfestMalaysia)逾60名团员,将于今年7月,首度南下柔佛麻坡,演绎历时3小时的经典神剧《圣马太受难曲》。 [閱讀全文] |
Conductor David Chin is "An Evangelist for Bach"
March 20, 2019 | Eastman Journal David Raymond David Chin ‘18E (DMA) recalls that when he started as an Eastman student, he knew little of Bach’s music other than keyboard pieces. After repeated exposure and performances he calls himself “a missionary, an evangelist for Bach, especially for the beauty of his vocal music. Music like his can go deep down into your life.” David’s “missionary work” has included bringing performances of Bach’s music to his native Malaysia, with an award-winning group called BachFest Malaysia which he founded in 2015. The group has made great progress in a short time, performing concerts of cantatas, the Saint John and Saint Matthew Passions, and other Bach masterpieces in Southeast Asia, sometimes for the first time. Bachfest Malaysia will be traveling to the Leipzig Bach Festival in the summer of 2020 – singing Bach’s music in the city where he lived and worked for much of his life. [read more] |
Conversing with Bach Beyond Time and Space
FEBRUARY 2019 | PIN PRESTIGE MALAYSIA FASHION AND LIFESTYLE MAGAZINE TEXT BY TRACY LOW Who the heck is David Chin? In 2020, he will be leading Malaysia Bach Festival Choir and Orchestra, a group founded by him, to perform in Germany. “A doctorate degree in conducting?” – A question which Malaysian conductor David Chin has often been asked by people who are not in the field of music. Is conducting as simple as merely waving one’s arm to make others sing or play? [full text here] 與巴赫隔空對話 陳子虔,究竟是何方神聖?2020年,他將帶領他所創辦的馬來西亞巴赫節合唱與管弦樂團,到德國演出。 “指揮都可以念博士?”面對不了解音樂領域的人,這是年僅34歲的馬來西亞年輕指揮家陳子虔David Chin最常被問起的問題。指揮就是揮揮兩手,“點人”演奏那麽簡單嗎?他提醒我,整個表演臺上,就只有指揮“發不出聲音”。 [全文] |
樂韻飄揚: David's Story
A production of SOBEM taking a closer look at David Chin's musical and spiritual life. 生於馬來西亞的陳子虔,是一位知名的青年指揮家及聖樂工作者。他本來如一般年輕人一樣熱愛流行音樂,但在羅徹斯特修讀音樂碩士時得到啟發,開展心靈境界,不但體驗到信仰的真實,更把音樂融合在他的生命中。 For video with English subtitles, please visit here. |
A Conversation with David on Bach's Mass
A look at rehearsals and interview with David Chin, Artistic Director of the Malaysia Bach Festival, featuring Bach's Mass in B Minor. Video by Jason Nicholas |
Bach's B Minor Mass
This piece of 18th century music was one of Johann Sebastian Bach’s last compositions. The conductor and singer, of the upcoming performance, take us on a journey to understand this sacred work, and how it gave new form to vocal music. Bach’s B Minor Mass is considered as one of the “supreme achievements of classical music.”
[listen to the podcast here] |
International conductor at helm of Bach performance
The Star Newspaper | July 4, 2017 The Lutheran Church will be presenting a two-night music extravaganza featuring Malaysian-born international music conductor David Chin (pic) at the Luther Centre, Petaling Jaya. Johann Sebastian Bach’s greatest musical work – Mass in B Minor – will be performed at the concert on July 22 and 23 held in conjunction with the 500th anniversary of the Reformation by Martin Luther. [read more] |
Special two-night concert to commemorate
500th anniversary of Reformation
The Malay Mail | June 24, 2017 KUALA LUMPUR, June 24 — A two-night musical, organised by the Lutheran Church in Malaysia, will be held in conjunction with the 500th anniversary of Martin Luther’s Reformation. Malaysian-born international music conductor David Chin will be presenting Johann Sebastian Bach’s Bach: Mass in B Minor on July 22 and 23, 2017 at the Luther Centre, Petaling Jaya. [read more] |
A Passion for Bach
March 22, 2017 | Eastman School of Music David Raymond The 332nd birthday of Johann Sebastian Bach was earlier this week, but you can celebrate it this weekend with a performance of Bach’s grandest work, the Saint Matthew Passion. The concert, which brings together more than 40 Eastman School of Music students and recent graduates, was coordinated by, and will be conducted by, David Chin, an Eastman doctoral student in choral conducting. [read more] |
David's Introduction to Bach
March 18, 2017 | WXXI Classical 91.5 Brenda Trembley David is conducting the Voices Chamber Choir and Orchestra in Bach's St. Matthew Passion (BWV 244) on Saturday, March 25, 2017 at 7:00 p.m. at the Reformation Lutheran Church in Rochester, New York. In this conversation with WXXI's Brenda Tremblay, he describes the blooming appreciation for J.S. Bach in Malaysia and the teachers that first introduced him to Bach's sacred masterworks. [listen to the radio podcast] |
Tears into Wine
On Sunday, September 25, Eastman doctoral conducting student David Chin (MM’12) will be presenting a lecture concert on Bach’s Cantata No. 21, Ich hatte viel Bekümmernis (I had much grief) at 3 p.m. at Reformation Lutheran Church, 111 North Chestnut Street. The Eastman Bach Cantata Singers and Chamber Orchestra will perform. The lecture concert will explore how Bach expresses transformative theological meaning with progressive musical elements in this cantata. [read more] |
在六四聽受難曲 | 刊登於 Art Plus 2016年 7月號 “... 這場演出的特別之處,是讓觀眾一起以廣東話頌唱8首頌讚詩。陳子虔在場刊上解釋這個安排是要「提醒我們這悲痛的(耶穌受難)故事與你我一脈相連的」... 陳子虔會適時轉向觀眾,示意大家站立並指揮合唱,合唱團也會站起來跟觀眾一起合唱。這個安排頓然使音樂會變得像教堂崇拜般,而觀眾們好像是有備而來,要站立便站立,要歌唱便歌唱,沒有絲毫不知所措之態,令整個流程順暢... 音樂上來說,陳子虔很明顯清楚知道自己想得到甚麼樣的音樂效果,提示清晰,合唱團也能精確地跟從,例如開首合唱的 "allen landen herrlich ist",每個字都做了swelling的效果。陳子虔還身兼古鍵琴手,每當他指揮完樂團,便要立即坐下給福音使者的唱段作伴奏,以確保樂曲的流程暢順。要做到這點,前提是必須對作品非常熟悉,陳子虔的表現已印證了這點。此外,他連獨唱的站立位置也有考慮,會根據個別聲樂家的聲量而安排應走到舞台前方唱歌,還是站在原位...“ 【閱讀全文】 |
Radio Interview with Jonathan Douglas
RTHK Radio Host Jonathan Douglas and Hong Kong Bach Festival Artistic Director David Chin chat about the performance of Bach's St. john Passion on June 4. David shares how he felt in love with Bach's music and the unique aspects of this particular performance in Hong Kong. [listen to the podcast here] |
Hong Kong Bach Festival presents St. John Passion
Hong Kong Bach Festival's Artistic Director David Chin, Soprano Yuki Ip, and Baritone Caleb Woo speak about their upcoming performance of Bach's St. John Passion on June 4 at Hong Kong City Hall Concert Hall. 藝術總監陳子虔、女高音葉葆菁、與男中音胡永正為大家介紹香港巴赫聖樂節在六月四日即將上演的『聖約翰受難曲』。 |
St. John Passion airs in March
(Rochester, NY) – Recorded April 13, 2014 at Reformation Lutheran Church, Rochester Bach Festival Presents St. John Passion airs Sunday, March 20, 2016 at 12 p.m. on Classical 91.5. The performance was conducted from the harpsichord by David Chin. Soloists include Pablo Bustos as The Evangelist, Joshua Ooms, singing the role of Jesus, Joel Balzun as Pilate, along with Ashley Hibbard, Jessica Ann Best, Matthew Swensen, Caleb Woo, and Sanders Lau. This program is produced by Mona Seghatoleslami @ WXXI Classical 91.5. In addition, the program has also been scheduled on several stations around the United States:
March 20th, 2:00 p.m. – WVIA (Pennsylvania) March 20th, 12 noon – WXXI (Rochester) March 25th, 10:00 a.m. & 8:00 p.m. - WNMU (Michigan) March 25th, 12:00 noon - WITH (Ithaca) March 25th, 1:00 p.m. - KBSA (Arkansas) March 25th, 1:00 p.m. - KLSA & KDAQ (Louisiana) March 25th, 1:00 p.m. - KLDN (Texas) March 25th, 2:00 p.m. - KBYU (Utah) March 25th, 8:00 p.m. - WVBY, WVBL, WVPW, WVPB, WVWV, WVEP, WVPM, WVPG, WVDS, WVWS, WVNP (Virginia, Maryland, Kentucky, Pennsylvania, and Ohio) March 27th, 12:00 noon - KFSK (Alaska) |
Roberts Honors Choir Festival
David Chin, Director of Choral Activities Nearly 130 high school students from across New York State visited campus for the Honors Band and Choir Festival. Students enjoyed master classes with Roberts faculty, games and activities in the newly renovated Voller Athletic Center, and rehearsals culminating in a special concert for more than 400 family and friends. This weekend experience, including a recital on Saturday night featuring Roberts music students and faculty, gave these high school students a glimpse into what life at Roberts is like for music majors at Roberts Wesleyan College. |
Eastman Students Performing Bach Cantatas
Eastman School of Music | September 18, 2015 Interview by John Fatuzzo This Sunday, September 20, Eastman students and conductors will be performing two church cantatas by J. S. Bach at 3 p.m. at Reformation Lutheran Church: BWV 70: Wachet! Betet! Betet! Wachet! (Watch! Pray!) and BWV 75: Die Elenden sollen essen (The miserable shall eat). This weekend’s performance is part of an ongoing series of Bach Cantata concerts by Eastman students at Reformation Lutheran Church. David Chin describes this moving and rarely-heard music: “Unlike many musicians of his time, Bach never traveled to outside of his own country, but this does not limit his profound understanding of God and humanity... [click here for the full article] |
Bringing Bach to Malaysia
September 4, 2015 | Eastman School of Music Andrew Psarris Chin, a DMA student in choral conducting, is at the crossroads of Eastman-Asian relations as one of the “Name bearers” in bringing western music to audiences in Asia for the first time. I conducted an interview with David that highlights the importance of both the Eastman School of Music’s presence in Asia, and also the endeavor of bringing these immortal pieces to people who have never heard them. [click here for the full interview] |
Bach's St. John Passion (Malaysia Premiere)
July 29, 2015 | 89.9 FM The Business Station Hosted by Lee Chwi Lynn The conductor, David Chin, situates the monumental Bach’s St John Passion in its historical context and points out its significance today in the collection of sacred works. The soloists tell about singing sacred music in modern times. [click here for the interview podcast] |
Seeing Sacred Music through the eyes of Bach
June 5, 2015 | Creation TV, Hong Kong How would Bach's music relate to us who are living in the 21st century? Watch highlights of "Bach's Reformative Spirit" Lecture Concert (May 24, 2015) and post-concert interviews with Wendy Yuen, CEO of Hong Kong Alpha and Omega Company; David Chin, artistic director of the 2015 Hong Kong Bach Sacred Music Festival; and Yuki Ip, soprano solo. |
2015年5月19日 | 香港大公資訊 今年适逢德国著名作曲家巴赫诞辰三百三十周年,由Alpha & Omega主办的“二○一五香港巴赫圣乐节”将透过一系列多元化的音乐会与讲座等,纪念这位“西方‘现代音乐’之父”的杰出成就。作为圣乐节的开幕活动,“巴赫的坚固保障”讲座音乐会将于本周日下午于拔萃男书院举行。在曲目选择、乐器组合等方面,音乐总监及指挥陈子虔力求还原巴赫时代的样貌:“巴赫是路德宗信徒,因此我们选用德语的《上主是我坚固保障》和拉丁文的《尊主颂》表现他音乐改革和传统的双面性。” [全文] |
Why Bach? —Hong Kong Bachfest 2015
May 20, 2015 Alpha and Omega Company, Hong Kong Watch artistic director and conductor David Chin and soprano Yuki Ip speak about Bach's music, and the upcoming Bach's Reformative Spirit concert! |
Singing Bach's Reformative Spirit
BFM 89.9 Malaysia | August 07, 2014 Lim Soon Heng Contextualizing 18th century canonical music—a couple of pieces by J. S. Bach—and uncovering to the tin ear its beauty and appeal. David Chin knits Bach’s life and music to show the resultant tapestry. Join conductor David Chin and BFM 89.9's radio producer Lim Soon Heng for a conversation on J. S. Bach, his music, and the upcoming performance of a Bach's motet and Cantata in Malaysia. [click here for the interview podcast] |
A Kind Deed Results in a Present of Bach
September 17, 2014 | Democrats and Chronicle Joanne Anderson One woman, determined to repay a gift, helps organize a successful Bach concert. "I shall never forget my encounter with a young Asian student struggling to maintain a strenuous master's degree schedule while earning money to afford his studies at the Eastman School of Music with the ambitious goal of remaining in this country to direct and teach music..." [click here to read the full article] |
Three Dimensional Theology: Rochester Bach Festival presents Bach's St. John Passion
April 9, 2014 | Rochester City Newspaper David Raymond The grandeur of Bach's Passions has in the past often led to slow-paced, heavy performances, performed by forces much larger than Bach would have wanted. Scholarship in recent decades has revealed much more about how works like Bach's Passions were originally performed, and this weekend's performance, directed by David Chin, will reflect that. Instead of a chorus of dozens and an orchestra to match, a total of 28 musicians are involved. This is the new normal for performances of large 18th-century works, according to Chin. This includes Bach's 200-plus surviving cantatas. Chin has led several of these beautiful works in the past year, using only one singer on a part and a few instrumentalists. A bigger work like the "Saint John Passion" calls for a bigger choral and instrumental sound, but it will still be relatively intimate. [read more] |
Discussing Bach's St. John Passion with David Chin
Conductor David Chin is leading a performance of the Saint John Passion by Johann Sebastian Bach on Sunday, April 14, 2014. Listen to him discuss some of the dramatic and expressive aspects of Bach’s music with WXXI 91.5 Classical music radio host Mona Seghatoleslami. [click here to listen to the interview's podcast] |
New Eastman School of Music Series presents Bach Cantatas
The Eastman School of Music will launch Cantata! A Bach Cantata series, a unique set of choral programs, beginning on Saturday, Sept. 21, at 7:30 p.m. Conductor and Eastman alumnus David Chin leads Eastman students and local alumni in the first concert of the series. [click here to read the entire news] |
Isn't it Romantic?
In conversation with WXXI's Brenda Tremblay, conductor David Chin takes us into the heart of Bach's sacred cantatas in advance of his performance in Rochester on March 22nd. [click here to listen to the interview's podcast] |